Data Privacy at ChartDB

At ChartDB, your data privacy and security are our top priorities. Whether you choose our open-source self-hosted solution or use our cloud version, we ensure that your data stays with you.

Nothing from your databases is saved on our servers, and we have no access.

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Does ChartDB access my data?
No. ChartDB does not require access to your database credentials. We only fetch metadata about your database schema, and all processing occurs directly in your browser. None of your database metadata is sent to our servers.

Can ChartDB share my metadata with third parties?
On our cloud version, metadata is only shared when you opt-in to use the export-to-SQL feature powered by OpenAI’s API, which generates DDL scripts in your chosen SQL dialect. This feature is entirely optional and can be avoided. You can also use our self-hosted version, which does not use OpenAI unless you explicitly configure it with an API key.

Self-Hosted Flexibility
Our open-source version allows you to host ChartDB yourself, ensuring complete transparency and control over your data. You can inspect our entire codebase on GitHub to verify this.

Sub-Processors Used in Our Cloud Version

To provide and maintain the ChartDB cloud version, we use the following sub-processors:

Boost your work with Databases with ChartDB

Boost your work with Databases with ChartDB

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